20 Best scripts to download

on Friday, 9 April 2010

What’s in the bundle?

  1. jQuery Drag & Drop

    Using jQuery PHP and MySQL a complete drag and drop script that updates the database. demo

  2. jQuery Delete

    Delete items using PHP jQuery using an AJAX request demo

  3. PHP jQuery and MySQL Autosuggest

    A powerful autosuggest script that searches a MySQL database to return you result demo

  4. jQuery & PHP username checker

    Checks the database to see if a chosen username exists in the database and returns true or false demo

  5. CSS3 Buttons

    Styling elegant buttons using CSS3 demo

  6. Feedburner Stats

    Using PHP and CURL to get your feedburner subscriber count demo

  7. jQuery & PHP username checker

    Checks the database to see if a chosen username exists in the database and returns true or false demo

  8. jQuery image Zoom

    create a simple gallery with a hover image effect demo

  9. jQuery PHP & MySQL inline editing

    Edit page content directly in the browser inline using jQuery AJAX requests demo

  10. jQuery Gallery

    Animated jQuery gallery with title and description demo

  11. Highlighting form inputs

    Highlight any input field using JavaScript demo

  12. jQuery JSON & PHP

    Create a simple product gallery using JSONP PHP and MySQL demo

  13. jQuery Tabs

    Simple tabs rendered using jQuery demo

  14. jQuery XML

    build a product gallery parsing XML using jQuery demo

  15. jTruncate

    Using the jTruncate plugin to truncate text with a ‘more’ link demo

  16. PHP Page scrape

    Scrape page contents using PHP and CURL demo

  17. AJAX Check

    Check to see if a normal GET or POST request was made or if an AJAX request was made demo

  18. PHP Pagination

    A useful and raw PHP pagination script that could be adapted in to a class demo

  19. jQuery Sliding Menu

    jQuery drop down slide in / out menu inspired by 9rules.com demo

  20. jQuery Tooltips

    An experimentation into building jQuery tooltips with AJAX requests, images etc demo


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